Monday, 26 May 2014




  1. Kepada setia usaha UMNO Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan bin Tengku Mansor, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan, Presiden MIC Datuk Seri G. Palanivel, Presiden PPP Dr. Kanagaratnam Pillai dan pemimpin-pemimpin komponen BN,

    Demi kepentingan Negara kami YIP KUM FOOK (Ketua MCA GOMBAK) NO. 2A & 2B, 2ND FLOOR JALAN 53, DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100, KL Ketua Pemuda MCA Gombak YIP JIUN HANN, No. Suite 3.43, Kompleks Desa, Jalan Kepong,, 52100, Kuala Lumpur. Jayanti B. Balaguru (Pengurusi parti gerakan Segambot) dan Ooi Ah Bah (Chia Ooi Sun & Co.) Advocates & Solicitors No. 48-1, 1st Floor Jalan Brunei Utara off Changkat Thambi Dollah, Pudu, KL.

    Dengan segala hormatnya disini, harap semua pemimpin-pemimpin parti komponen BN sebulat suara menjemput bekas perdana menteri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad Ke Putra Jaya menolong kerajaan mentadbir Negara mencapai kejayaan lebih cemerlang

    Kami yakin berkeliber dan pengalaman bekas Perdana Menteri Dr. Mahathir bolih melindungi kedaulatan dan mengekalkan keamanan Negara. Harap Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad jangan mengecewakan Rakyat Malaysia

    Sekian dimaklum,

    Terima Kasih

  2. JH Yip Management Sdn Bhd
    Suite 3.43, Kompleks Desa, Jalan Kepong,, 52100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, 51200 Phone:03-6274 5352
    Ketua Belia MCA Gombak YIP JIUN HANN,
    Berkenaan bapa U (YIP KUM FOOK, MCA GOMBAK) bertiga, Empat Isteri dan kaya, itu hal U sendiri,
    Mengapa U cuba Menbangkitkan Nama NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. bagi menburukkan nama kebaikannya. U cuba ingat memalukan Muslim?
    Yip Jiun Hann, U bukan Muslim kami harap jangan menyetul hal Agama Muslim dan kebaikan NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W.
    Kalau tidak kami akan ajar U seperti perkara yang terjadi di U.S.A

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. YIP KUM FOOK(Lawyer) this was created badly in his life, now and the future of his life will suffer, he deceived many people and some Buddhist monks
    he has so many enemies because he also deceives his friends, once karma will appear and also get more suffering, this is very sad because it is born in human
    YIP KUM FOOK(Peguam) ini diciptakan dengan teruk pada hidupnya, sekarang dan masa depan hidupnya akan menderita, dia menipu ramai orang dan beberapa Sami Buddha
    Dia begitu ramai musuh kerana dia juga menipu rakan-rakannya, sekali karma akan muncul dan juga mendapat lebih banyak penderitaan, ini sangat menyedihkan kerana dilahirkan pada manusia

    Mr Ten, Desa jaya, Kepong

  5. Please share to all Malaysian MCA Members,
    Some MCA leaders such as YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer, MCA Gombak) and Yip Jiun Hann (MCA Gombak youth) are immoral and their names are very bad in Selangor. Especially in Kepong, Selayang, Rawang and other places, such as eating money SAMNAK SAMBODHI, DESA JAYA, KEPONG, damaging other people's families …… ..behaving so badly.
    They are trying to tell us to support Donald lim Siang Chai, if this group wins in the MCA party, I am sure the MCA party will sink forever in Malaysia
    Don't fall into the trap, support Dr. Wee Ka Siong

  6. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK (lelaki MCA) menghalau sami keluar dari KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI di Taman Desa Jaya. Baru-baru ini Ven. Piya Thammo dari Pulau Pinang memulakan semula Datuk Yip, pasukannya, dan polis mengeluarkan dan memaksanya keluar dari Temple dengan serta-merta, juga Ven. Piya kata dia tak buat salah, kenapa Datuk Yip Kum Fook ni buang dia

    Gelaran Datuk adalah anugerah Sultan atau Raja untuk bekerja untuk negara, bukan untuk mengeluarkan mana-mana sami dari Kuil, Setiap Kuil Buddha yang dibina oleh dana Awam, Datuk ini melebihi had dan membuat lawak dengan ajaran Buddha (Buddha, Dhamma, dan Sangha ), Datuk Yip ini akan menggoncang dosa besarnya, seterusnya dia dan dahan keluarganya akan rebah dengan tangan Buddha.

    DATUK YIP KUM FOOK sangat berbangga dan bertindak sendirian, dan juga Datuk Yip ini adalah seorang pemandu lori dan beliau merupakan perniagaan perabot di Taman Daya, Kepong dan bermain politik sebagai MCA Taman Daya ketika itu.

    Dikongsi oleh Darren Ho, Kepong

  7. Kami memaklumkan semua orang di Malaysia dan Indonesia untuk mengetahui tentang tabiat moral Yip Kum Fook, lelaki ini menipu ramai orang dan di mana-mana sahaja di Malaysia
    Sebagai contoh, dia berbohong kepada abang iparnya (Encik Low) tentang menjual beberapa hartanah tetapi Encik Yip ini mengambil semua wang, tidak memberi Encik Low satu sen, Encik Low perlu menangis mengenainya.
    Juga tentang Encik Lim, Yip Kum Fook menjual beberapa tanah kepada Encik Lim dan kedua-duanya bersetuju tentang penjual dan pembeli tetapi Yip membawa Lim untuk melihat tanah itu tetapi tiada tanah di sana, lepas Encik Lim melantik peguam untuk menyaman dan Yip mengembalikan semua Duit Encik Lim
    Baru-baru ini bersama En. Ten untuk mahkamah tentang pembinaan rumah syarikat, Yip Kum Fook sangat teruk dan sangat jahat
    Dan hari ini ramai yang tahu tentang Yip Kum Fook lakukan dan dia juga presiden KUIL BUDDHA SAMNAK SAMBODHI (三宝寺), Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur...juga rakyat Indonesia juga perlu mengambil berat tentang Yip Kum Fook kerana menantunya adalah Indonesia (isteri Yip Juin Hann)

    berkongsi olih Ng (Ah Chong)

  8. Dear brother and sister,

    I am Myanmar who working in Malaysia more than 10 years and I would like to explain about SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION. Therefore, recently I stayed at SASANARAKKHA BUDDHIST SANCTUARY (SBS), Taiping, Perak. I am very close with Ven. U Nandiya Maha Thero.

    My monk Ven. U Nandiya is very good heart and compassion to everyone in the world, also I heard when he stayed at Kuala Lumpur Buddhist Temple, he lends donation money to President of Temple (DATUK YIP KUM FOOK, MCA Gombak) with amount RM20,000.00 only and he said that money belong to Myanmar society in Malaysia.

    On the other hand, my monk said, also many things happened when he stayed there because committees always disturbing, I am very sadly about that matter, why committees are very poor and crooks. Others Temple, people come to Temple to respected Buddha and Monks, also give red packet to monks. Why this Temple, monks must give money to committees, this is opposite.

    If anyone receive or read this message, please inform to DATUK YIP KUM FOOK (president of Temple) to return that amount to my monk as soon as possible.

    My monk contact place:

    Ven. U Nandiya
    49 Bombay Street, Lidcombe NSW 2141.
    Tel: (02) 9649-8124

    With kindness

    Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
    Anyone visiting this Buddhist Temple must be careful with the committee members as they can suck your money and the president of the Temple is also more sucking monks’ money already, add and call the police to arrest Buddhist monks…. And please share this message with your friends and everyone you know

  9. 敬爱的佛教信土:

    最近, 在网络上看了PHRA PIYATHAMMO和尚和马华公会鸱唛区主席叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)律师的双方信件, 使我的内心久久不能平伏, 良心受到很大的譴責, 不吐訢不痛快, 所以我要誠恳的説:他叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)侓师叫外来的流流氓到三宝寺(暹廟)挑衅和尚打架及电招警方人员扣捕沙彌, 其嘲笑手法, 不外是要显示其权力, 而鞏固其职位, 以达到权力就是一切, 好让住持难堪, 自动離开, 方便行事……这种举动, 已间接的表逹其含意, 住持和尚兼顾问, 都无能为力,你们这些信徒能做什么?即使告马耒西亜佛教总会又能为难什么?这种心态, 的硧令人反感, 不是一个正信佛教者应有的行为。

    至今, 三宝寺的理事成员多数是其親戚, 这是实事, 加入会员需交RM100元费用,同时,必须经过叶金福(Yip Kum Fook)律师的同意,否则免談, 所以会员也不多。

    马华公会鹅唛区主席叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)律师,自控制三宝寺之後,把三宝寺(暹廟)当着私人產業,聘用和尚賺钱,利用佛教的道地为政治活动埸所,而处理三宝寺的钱财也不透明?这点,值得信众追问。马来西亚地擴人多,和尚也不缺乏,为什么不用本地和尚当任住持化缘,却偏偏劳心劳神,浪费签证费,交通费? 还要烦劳梹城佛总的推荐信, 向文化不同, 而語言又不通之千哩外囯缅旬和尚求助? 为什么….为什么? 只要我们用头脑想一想,便一日了然, 不必晝虎添足。

    叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak )律师说:欢迎任何人如有意见,可以电话03:62762369/0122039700 Email: YIPKUMFOOK@HOTMAIL.COM 戓到其马华公会鹅唛区会甲洞三宝寺及以下地圵:NO.2,B JALAN 53 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 SELANGOR, MALAYSIA.討論, 我要老实的提醒大家, 最好不要一个去見他, 因为这个人狡滑, 笑裡藏刀, 很阴险, 出家人都不放在眼裡, 連TAMAN DAYA 52100 KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR. 众人的印度廟也敢放火燒, 利用权势把场地佔为己有, 由此可见, 他是何等的心毒? 还有现在三宝寺内, 各处都按裝计孔监视来人一举一动。

    目前, 三宝寺很多信徒及当地居民, 已经对叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak )律师不满, 但也不能做什么。他计划把三宝寺主席的职位轉给其子YIP JIUN HANN律师, 续承皇朝. 想近一部了觧詳情, 可上网得知。

    再说, 根据前理事在网络上给叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)律师的批評, 説他懂得包裝自己的道德守则, 以宗教为幌子手, 到处募款, 啇業经营, 政治活动为重, 并没依循佛教守則行事, 也没对人道作出貢献, 只不过借三宝寺宗教之名捞取权和私利而己, 其言也不为过, 是实事。

    在此, 我恳切希望, 廣大的佛教信仰者, 给予关注, 并共創義举, 弘扬佛教. 谢谢。

    Mr Lim Sok Chia敬啟
    Ms Yap

  10. so this YIP KUM FOOK destroyed Sangha (the monks in Buddhist) and insulted Buddhist monks in various things in Buddhist teachings, the monk came to visit Temple and he called police and gangsters to harass the Buddhist monk, the monks had to leave the Temple as soon as possible because the monks came empty-handed

    they are very happy and proud to be able to bring the monks out of the Temple at that time, but they don’t know what Sangha means, maybe they don’t know Sanghas are the Buddha followers, Sanghas are also one of the communities in Buddhist world. You have damaged one Sangha but another sanghas are still there to protect other Sanghas as well

    all religions must unite to save and protect Buddhist monks because YIP KUM FOOK (Satan, demon, spectre, phantom) destroyed Buddhist monks, as well as his son (Yip Jiun Hann) dirty mind like a father

    from MRs Phang, Taman Daya, Kepong

    Karpal studied at St. Xavier's Institution and received his Bachelor of Laws from the National University of Singapore, where he was president of the student union. He was barred from his hostel for protesting the university's decision to mandate certificates of political suitability for incoming students.

    Karpal said he TOOK SEVEN YEARS TO GRADUATE, admitting that he was "playful" and "didn't attend lectures”. After failing his final-year courses, the dean made him sit at the front of his classes; according to Karpal, "I couldn't play the fool anymore and I passed my exams accordingly!

    Datuk YIP KUM FOOK is also a lawyer but he has a different lifestyle, we have many lawyer friends, and they are very kind and compassionate people, this YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer) to suck people's money only

    Many people don’t know about YIP KUM FOOK where, or at which university did he get a degree in law? we are too suspicious of him because he is cheating people everywhere and please be careful with him

    YIP KUM FOOK is also the president of the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION and he is also a Datuk ship or Datuk title of the Sultan of Selangor

    Sharing by Lai, Kepong Hulu

  12. Now the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE (吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也三宝) will collapse and be destroyed not long time because of this president DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福, he runs the Buddhist temple like a political system, any member he doesn't like, he will fire and make trouble for them until they leave the membership committee.

    And now the Malaysian Buddhists don't go to the Temple because many people know about the problem but some believers from Myanmar still go there, the local people are very angry with the committee because they are only waiting for donations

    This DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 is a liar and lies everywhere because he is a lawyer, some can trust him and see him as an expert lawyer in the Kepong area but some say his lawyer is like crocodiles waiting to eat meat only, which people stupid are trapped by him

    Finally, we don't need to say more because when you research or type in GOOGLE and YOUTUBE about YIP KUM FOOK叶金福, you can see many comments and posts about him there, we hope everyone should be careful with him

    Sharing by Ah Keong, founding committee member of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE (吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也三宝)

  13. Datuk Yip Kum Fook tidak putus-putus melakukan kejahatan, kini sudah berusia 70 tahun dan masih menjana pendapatan di usia muda. Dia membayar wang kepada seseorang yang pakar dalam komputer untuk memadam WEB, BLOGGER, YOUTUBE, dll., tentang siapa yang menyiarkan dan mengulas tentangnya

    Beberapa laman web tidak menyebutnya dan juga dia memadamnya, ini adalah fikiran kotor, dan web mempunyai banyak dokumen atau dokumen penting juga hilang, kita tahu Datuk Yip Kum Fook dan pasukannya melakukannya, kita akan menghantar aduan kepada manusia PBB hak untuk mengurus perkara ini

    Mengadu kepada kerajaan Malaysia tiada kesan kerana Datuk Yip Kum Fook ada wang untuk menutup mulut kerajaan, tetapi kerajaan diam seperti kucing dan tikus...Simon Low Kok Meng sangat diam seperti tikus kerana Datuk Yip membayar wang untuk hidup. (Simon Low tidak perlu mempunyai pekerjaan sehingga sekarang)

    Orang Melayu, Cina, India, dan lain-lain perlu berhati-hati kerana jika IC anda hilang, anda perlu laporkan kepada polis secepat mungkin, abang saya bernama Ah Chong(Ng) telah ditipu ICnya oleh Datuk Yip Kum Fook

    Lim, Ho, Chong…..Taman Desa Jaya….Kepong
